Certified and Professional Auto Repair TechniciansServing the Area of Huntington Beach California and Surrounding Areas
Break Service
From a simple oil change to complete major services, Hans’ only uses the highest quality products, at the best possible price to insure, your car gets what it needs to gain longevity and reliability.

Еlесtrісаl Dіаgnоsіs аnd Rераіr
From light bulbs, to your car’s ECU, there is no problem too big or too small. Electrical is the nervous system of your car, and 45 years of experience give us the know how to fix it.
Aіr Соndіtіоnіng аnd hеаtіng
On the coldest nights and hottest days your car’s A/C keeps you at the precise temperature you desire. Make sure your’s is running at peak performance so you stay at the perfect temperature.

Ѕtееrіng аnd Ѕusреnsіоn Rераіr
If your car is pulling to the left or right, or you get road fatigue from a bouncing car, it may be time to get your suspension checked. A simple fix could get your car’s ride quality back to new.
Fоur Whееl Аlіgnmеnt
Keeping your wheels straight can keep you from spending much more on future repairs, such as accelerated tire wear, and advanced suspension/steering fatigue. A simple fix could save you future headaches.

Аll sсhеdulе Маіntеnаnсе
From a simple oil change to complete major services, Hans Imports only uses the highest quality products, at the best possible prices to insure, your car gets what it needs to gain longevity and reliability.
Тrаnsmіssіоn Ѕеrvісе
If your car’s engine is the heart, the transmission is the muscle, it’s what makes your car move. With simple maintenence you can keep your car moving without problems, but if an issue comes there’s no problem we can’t fix.

Сhесk еngіnе аnd Drіvаbіlіtу Іssuеs
The amber light no one wants to see. Most of the time a check engine light ends up being something small, as long as you catch it early. Come in and get your check engine light inspected today to prevent more serious, and expensive issues.
Ѕmоg сhесk аnd rераіr
Simple, quick smog check and repair. Get your car checked and repaired right the first time.